Have you ever felt that you could act…or been told that you have a “great voice”? And then didn’t know how to get started! Or you’ve taken classes and now want more individualized coaching? Maybe you need help with home recording so you can produce projects faster! And who couldn’t use a Workout to stretch and strengthen your acting chops with a fun group of people?
Voice Over Arts is a place where you can pursue that dream and develop your talent. Come to a Free Audition, and find out what you can be.
Voice Over Arts provides the best, most cost effective and results proven classes available anywhere. Our motto is “Success comes when opportunity meets preparation.” The best preparation for introductory and intermediate actors is through VO Arts, with Deborah Reeves.
With Voice Over Arts you will develop your talents and learn the business aspects of our profession. Performance, Marketing, Production, Home Recording, and more!
Contact deb.reeves@gmail.com to reserve your spot
Interested in enrolling? Fill out and submit the contact form here or get in touch directly at deb.reeves@gmail.com or (619) 840-8209